Sunday, December 30, 2012

Qt 4.8.4 and MinGW Quick Start

The following are instructions for installing Qt and compiling a demo application using the MinGW toolchain:
  1. Download the Qt 4.8.4 libraries installer here.
  2. Run the installer. If a warning message about the version of the w32api.h file appears ignore it and continue the installation (my install is version 3.17 and appears to work fine).
  3. By default, the installer does not add the Qt toolchain to the PATH. Instead, it provides a custom command prompt environment called the "Qt 4.8.4 Command Prompt"; launch this command prompt from the Start menu.
  4. Now we can try compiling an example; from the Qt command prompt, navigate to C:\Qt\4.8.4\demos\textedit.
  5. Execute the command qmake; this should generate a makefile.
  6. Build the example using the command make.
  7. If everything goes correctly, textedit.exe should now exist in the debug directory; launch the demo application.
That’s it! Your machine is now ready to build Qt apps using MinGw.

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